Fractured Arms in Children Treatment in Tampa

Expert Advice on Fractured Arms in Children for Worried Parents

A fractured arm is a time-sensitive condition, one that requires you to act fast. The sooner you see a pediatric orthopedic doctor, the better your child’s chances of recovering from a fractured arm. At POBAR, treatments for a fractured arm lead to a full recovery.

Your child has taken a fall and now their arm is fractured. What can you do? First thing, don’t panic. There are many interventions to heal your child from a fractured arm if you act fast enough. The earlier your child sees a pediatric orthopedic specialist, there will be more chances of making a full recovery. 

Any delay in seeking treatment for your child could result in a longer recovery time. If you’re in the Tampa, Florida area, then the first thing you need to do is take your child to POBAR, our leading pediatric orthopedic doctors in Brandon & Tampa. 

How Do You Know Your Child Has A Fractured Arm? 

A fractured arm is easy to spot as your child will most likely be crying out in severe pain. Before the fracture, you or your child may have heard a snap or crack during the fall. Other ways to know if your child has a fractured arm are:

  • pain when the arm is moved

  • swelling of the arm

  • bruising on or around the affected area

  • the arm may appear bent

  • range of motion can be compromised

What Causes An Arm To Fracture? 

There are three bones in the arm, the ulna, the radius, and the humerus. When one or more of these bones are broken, this causes a fracture. 

A fractured arm can be caused by any number of events. Children play and contort their bodies in ways that make parents marvel and terrified. From tumbling to jumping off the couch to the table, a broken arm can happen to any child and any parent. 

The most common cause of a fracture in the arm is when a child falls onto an outstretched arm. Other causes include: 

  • Accidental falls 

  • Sports Injuries from direct blows on the field

  • Trauma such as car accidents

What Are The Treatments Of A Fractured Arm? 

Treatment for a fractured arm depends on the severity of the break. If it is a simple break, your doctor may put your child into a sling. Other forms of treatment offered for mild injuries are: 

  • ice 

  • rest 

  • realignment 

However, should your child’s fractured arm present with complications, then the following treatments can be recommended: 

  • surgery

  • implant wires 

  • plates 

  • nails, or screws to keep the bone in place 

How To Prevent Your Child From Having Another Arm Fracture? 

Your child will continue to be a child so making sure that he does not break his arm again can be almost impossible. But you can do a few things to lessen the damage, should another fall occur. 

What you feed your child matters and it’s important to give them the best chance to develop not only a strong mind but a strong body. You can boost their bone health by incorporating calcium-rich foods into a child’s diet

Calcium is a mineral that’s acclaimed for keeping bones healthy and strong. This precious mineral that should be included every day can be found in: 

  • dairy products

  • beans

  • nuts and seeds

  • green leafy vegetables

Other foods that contain calcium are cereal and orange juice. 

Another important addition to your child’s bone health plan. This can be given in a supplement or it can be taken the old-fashioned way, through sun exposure. Caution: Too much sun is not recommended so please monitor the time spent outside and don’t forget the sunscreen. 

As far as is necessary, you can put your child in protective gear, for more physical activities like skating. 

For A Detailed Treatment Plan On Fractured Arms, Speak to Our Pediatric Orthopedic Doctors in Brandon and Tampa, Florida.

We’re a friendly pediatric team based in Brandon and Tampa, Florida. We’re pros at dealing with fractures. If your child has a fractured arm and needs to see a medical professional, get in touch with us.

At POBAR, we take your child’s health seriously and offer an incredibly high standard of care and knowledge. Book an appointment today!